Our Land Use Practice Group attorneys offer a full spectrum of land use related services to its owner, project manager and developer clients. The practice group’s membership is diverse and includes attorneys with planning, land use, environmental law, and litigation experience. Additionally, the group has established project finance and construction management teams. These teams bring together attorneys with diverse transactional, construction law, project financing, land use and tax skills and experiences. We leverage the strength of this breadth of knowledge to serve the complex needs of project developers, so that multiplicity of skills can be made available to an owner/developer of a major project.
We represent owners, developers and investors of major office buildings; commercial shopping centers; and industrial, energy, resort, recreational and residential projects. Our lawyers also represent special use districts and municipal governments on select issues of common interest to public officials and private property owners and developers. Representative are assignments to draft uniform hearing procedures, Growth Management Act plans and development regulations, or siting of projects financed by public bonds intended to promote economic growth and employment.
Our land use counsel and services:
- Boundary disputes
- Building permits
- Condemnation
- Conditional/unclassified uses
- Critical area ordinances
- Dedications/exactions
- Federal and state wetlands regulation
- Forest Practices Act
- Growth Management Act
- Hydraulic permit approvals
- Impact fees/credits
- Litigation for illegal permitting decisions
- Master use permits
- Nonconforming uses
- Project mitigation
- Regulation/taking
- Septic/sewer/ULIDs
- Shoreline Management Act
- Siting of energy projects before EFSEC
- Special use permits
- State and local platting ordinances
- Transportation/utilities
- Variances
- Vesting
- Water rights
- Zoning/development standards
- Zoning/rezoning
Our attorneys regularly provide educational seminars to our clients to update them on the rapidly changing state and local laws applicable to the regulation and land ownership or development.